SHERLOQ would like to congratulate everyone who was awarded a scholarship at the 33rd Annual Latino Scholarship Program Awards Ceremony!
SHERLOQ helps fund this program at the University of South Florida as part of our charitable endowment and Larry Tartaglino, Director of Third Party Revenue, was on hand to meet the scholarship recipients.

Christian De Andrade Quinonez was the incoming freshman who was awarded the scholarship from the SHERLOQ Group. Christian will be pursuing a degree in Cybersecurity at USF.
Christian had this to say after receiving his scholarship:
Thank you so much for this opportunity to receive this wonderful scholarship. I hope that with this scholarship I will be able to succeed in my studies and help the Latino community in the future. Receiving this scholarship will help me and my family out in the search of a better future for me and them. Thank you for taking into consideration the Latino community and awarding this scholarship to young Latinos that want to better their community.